Monday, February 09, 2015


Little Ripper and Proud Dad
 My new ride is hanging on the wall, built up and ready to roll.  I've been busy.  Getting firewood ready for next year, and taking my boy to the slopes. 

I'm proud of him.  He is ripping it up.  Second time out and he taught himself how to carve.  Ate it hard one time but got up and kept going.  That's life.  We eat it hard sometimes,  hopefully learn to slow down a hair, then get up and keep going! 
Edge of the World
It was warm and sunny and we go a bit burned too.  The snow got soft and slow mid afternoon but firmed back up towards the end. 

The next to last run, I told him to take off while I got buckled in.  I would catch up, that way we could squeeze in one last run before the lift closed.  I couldn't catch him....  little ripper!

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